Viewers interested in quickly resizing a photo might be advised to read a guide to thirty software programs available. These programs offer a quick and easy way to resize and crop images without resorting to heavy duty programs such as Photoshop. Thirty separate programs are mentioned. There is a brief description of the program. Some descriptions are accompanied by a screenshot. Each program has an embedded link. Some applications can do batches, and one specializes in social media.
Key Takeaways:
PicResize allows you to resize pictures based on the preset percentage of the actual image or a custom size.
Resizr offers a bunch of tools on a single page, including ability resize, crop, add effects, adjust brightness, and sharpen image.
FunPhotoBox offers dozens of tools to beautify your images and resize is one of them.
“Give Photoshop a rest and try out any of these 30 photo resizing tools listed as follows, that are perfect for quick photo resizing.”
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