entrepreneur website

Easy ways to build a website for new entrepreneurs

On the homepage, you should include the name of your business, where you’re located, and a simplified pitch – a few lines about what makes you unique and/or why customers should choose your business. A page with details about the products you sell or services you provide. On the page which you detail products or services, spend one to five sentences describing each type you offer and give the pricing. Provide your company background and list organizational memberships.

Key Takeaways:

You don't need to be tech-savvy to get a great website, but you do need a website for your business.

Make a list of things you should think about when picking a domain name or web address.

Research website building platforms and the benefits of each platform, and links to additional resources.

“A website is a necessity for any entrepreneur or small business owner, but even more so when you’re just starting out. A great business website allows you to be found and contacted while giving potential customers an idea of the goods or services you provide.”

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