If your blog posts aren't ranking on Google searches, it's likely it has less to do with your product or content and more of how you are marketing it. Links to other posts are a good way to create attachments to other pages making them more visible in searches. Your title page should be in H1 or H2 tags and your blog pages should be designed to attract readers. Google can check both these layout errors and downgrade or even blacklist you in rankings. Strengthen your online presence and post your blog on multiple social media channels as well.
Key Takeaways:
If your post doesn't have links to outside sources or other ways to find it then the visibility of the post will be limited.
New posts or blogs are harder to find because they haven't been indexed completely yet.
If the blog or page are designed poorly then people won't stay on it.
“Every blog post has the ability to attract heavy traffic. However, this heavily depends on a number of factors, proper SEO being a main one.”
Read more: http://augustafreepress.com/five-reasons-blog-posts-arent-ranking/