wordpress color

Four New WordPress.com Color Schemes

There are four brand new WordPress color schemes that are out there for people to use. There is midnight, sunset, ocean and contrast that exist out there. The colors can actually be recognized very well. You can customize your color scheme by just making a few clicks. It will be found in account settings. There are a lot of choices that people can make, and they all will play a certain role within the overall tone of the website.

Key Takeaways:

WordPress is introducing four new color schemes as dashboard options for users.

The new color schemes are called Midnight, Sunset, Ocean Blue and Contrast.

To see these new options go to Dashboard Color Scheme under Account Settings.

“Today we’re bringing your WordPress.com dashboard to life with four new color schemes: introducing Midnight, Sunset, Ocean, and Contrast.”

Read more: https://en.blog.wordpress.com/2019/07/24/four-new-wordpress-com-color-schemes/

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