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How to Deal with Fake Negative Reviews on Google

There are ways to deal with fake negative reviews that people make on Google. Fake reviews have become a big problem for people that have small businesses. It is now easier than ever to make a fake account and bury a small business, even if you have never been there before in your life. Google has many different policies for people that leave reviews. But, they are not so good at catching the people that violate the policies.

Key Takeaways:

It is easy in our world for someone to make a fake review because of how easy it is to create review accounts.

It is incredibly difficult to remove bad reviews because google doesn't know if the people are real or not.

Leave a review offering a full refund, it looks like you are great at customer service even though the “refund” will not cost anything.

“If you’re diligent at tracking them and can make a good enough case for why the reviews are against the guidelines, you can get them removed by contacting Google on Twitter, Facebook, or reporting via the forum.”

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