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How to Keep Your WordPress site Busy While You’re on Vacation

There is a way to keep your WordPress site very busy while you are on vacation. When people are on vacation, they can neglect their site, but it does not have to be that way. WordPress is a good site for people who want to keep things in order when they are away. It is easy to set things up before you go on your vacation. Post scheduling is one of the features that you can use.

Key Takeaways:

You can check posts in advance to avoid getting behind on tasks while you are away on a vacation.

You can keep up with social media to avoid any wasted time or opportunities.

Sharing posts from the archives so you can always have access to what you need.

“Post scheduling is one of my favourite WordPress features. It lets you set a future date on which your post will be published, hit Schedule and then let WordPress make that post live while you’re busy working on something else, sleeping or on vacation.”

Read more: https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/keep-your-wordpress-site-busy-while-on-vacation/

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