Nonprofit Tech Trends For 2019

Nonprofit Tech Trends for 2019: Tweet Chat Re-Cap

Online nonprofits can improve their online presence with various tech trends for 2019. A tweet recap recently suggested using Facebook fundraising tools and a fundraising kit as one way to accomplish peer to peer fundraising. Although voice search and digital assistants are not widely used for fundraising they can still be quite helpful as people become more comfortable with using smart speaker technology. Project Management tools and collaboration communications such as Office 365, slack and Asana can make fundraising a success. As people become more comfortable using new technology for fundraising activities it can save time and stress. Many people are now using a Web design alternative such as @canva as an alternative to Photoshop. Alternative pattern grids, tech discounts, Google ad grants, marketing automation tools, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, GDPR, website accessibility are all mentioned as a technology that can be helpful to nonprofit fundraisers to increase their success.

Key Takeaways:

Project management tools can make life much simpler for nonprofit marketers.

There are web designs that are breaking down the idea of the traditional website design.

Google Ad Grants are a really good way to widen the reach of your organization.

“Google Ad Grants can be an awesome resource to widen your organization’s reach with a $10,000 monthly ad budget. But, they take time and skill to manage effectively, especially with ever-changing policies that can result in ad disapprovals and account suspensions.”

Claim Your Free Non-Profit Marketing Blueprint

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