SEO reports

The Most Important SEO Reports

Search Engine Optimization is not as simple as pure numbers. To conduct a successful SEO campaign, many factors must be considered as part of the larger picture. Organic traffic will fluctuate. It is good to look at keyword ranking data regularly, but as a guide as to what keywords are trending and how you can bring people unfamiliar with your brand to your business. Search Engine Optimization doesn't happen overnight, it is something that is built upon over months or longer.

Key Takeaways:

Get SEO reports on your company webpage to monitor the effectiveness.

Organic traffic reports are very important and the primary goal of the campaign.

Nothing in the SEO changes fast, so keep that in mind when reading reports.

“If you’re going to be investing time and money on optimizing your website, building inbound links, writing link-worthy content, and sharing your content in social media – don’t you want to know if it’s working over time?”

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