push notifications

How to Use WordPress Push Notifications and the Smart Notification Plugin

Push notifications are transmitted by apps as well as websites and they can reach audiences at any place and any time. Push notifications take place even when someone is not on the site. Push notifications let you keep in touch with people. There are time-sensitive notifications and also reminder and promotional notifications that can be used. There is a call to action notification that can be used too. You should add them to your site because they are very effective.

Key Takeaways:

You can send push notifications to users who are not on your site.

First, you have to enable notifications from the general settings.

You can customize settings to determine when notifications should be sent.

Encouraging notifications entice users to engage with your app or site.

Read more: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-add-push-notifications-in-wordpress–cms-33658

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