Site migrations and new URL structures

Site Migrations & Creating New URL Structures

There is a lot that you have to take into consideration when thinking about migrating or redesigning a site. One of the most important things to take into consideration is the URL. A lot of the time when migrating a website you will be forced to change the URL. First and foremost, shorter is better and you should try to think simple when coming up with the best URL to use. There is so much work and different decisions that you will be faced with. The best thing that you can do is to think about the content of the website and what would most appeal to the people that will be visiting your site.

Key Takeaways:

You do not have to create a URL just because you are trying to improve your website.

Try to limit the use of folders. Only use more if needed.

You do not have to stress about keywords in a URL because it has little impact on rank in Google.

“Migrating or redesigning a site is a chance for new beginnings. New pages! New functionality! New systems!”

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