nonprofit email automation

Hack Your Nonprofit’s Onboarding Process with Email Automation

Automated emails for organizations is very important. Both business and non-profit organizations can use email automation to better support their employees or volunteers. Having a preplanned email for various occasions which are common in any business structure allows the organizer to send important messages at the correct time and in the correct order. The email automation planner can monitor engagement by a number of clicks and open rates, which will help the organizer fine-tune the emails going forward. Email workflows are generated with wait times between each sent email, allowing proper flow of information to the recipients.

Key Takeaways:

Email automation can be used to send the right messages at the right time.

Email automation can offer content that is quite relevant to their interests.

You can keep track of your emails with email automation and adjust the emails over time.

“Email automation can be used to help with other areas of onboarding at your nonprofit, like volunteer orientation or advocacy training. When someone is new to your organization, or just new to an area of your work, email automation offers some great benefits.”

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