When creating a website there are many steps to go through to bring it to its fullest potential. Upon completion of your new, nonprofit website keep up with functions such as Post, Page, and Event creation, with many other features as well. Training can be sought over phone conferences, video tutorials, or printed instruction. Furthermore, upkeep can be provided on a monthly basis, including many revisions and cleanup systems that are all part of basic maintenance and upkeep. This is offered in a variety of ways, but it is good to budget about ten hours per month to keep the website running at its best.
Key Takeaways:
Website development, maintenance and upkeep particularly for those businesses in the non-profit sector.
Regularly get backup of your website and also check the overall systems.
After the website is up and running users can be trained in content management fundamentals, potentially by phone, or by training video.
“Once the initial design and development of your web site is completed, periodic maintenance will be necessary.”