website optimization strategies

Top 8 Essential Website Optimization Strategies for 2019

Optimizing your website for Google's search engine has become a much more complicated task, however, there are certain factors you can focus on that will give much more valuable results than others. Making sure your site is developed with mobile devices in mind and your page loads as fast as possible. Focus on what the user intends, making sure you have a good user experience, and providing plenty of relevant links are some of the things you can do to ensure your site is achieving a high ranking in Google results.

Key Takeaways:

Neither mobile-friendliness nor mobile-responsive layouts are requirements for mobile-first indexing.

Always scale your images when using a responsive design, especially for mobile users.

Less can be more on mobile. In a mobile-first world, long-form content doesn’t necessarily equate to more traffic and better rankings.

“As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to evolve, each will carry more weight in Google’s core algorithm. The ultimate goal for Google is to understand the context and serve results based on searcher intent.”

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