There are 6 steps to making a donation website for your nonprofit and there are ten great examples of this. If you do not think your site is very encouraging to donors, then people will likely not donate to it. There are some organizations that only put a PayPal link on their site and leave it alone. Creating a donation page is the very first step to donating to your website. Creating a donation form is the next thing you can do.
Key Takeaways:
Market your non-profit by spending 20% of your time creating content and 80% promoting it.
Set up automated tax Receipts and thank yous. This shows that you care about the donation enough to do the administration around it.
Make sure donors know what your mission is AND how the money will be spent.
“Think of your website as your personal assistant. Once set up properly to receive donations, it makes it easy for someone to donate online and it cuts out the administrative work of processing their donation for you.”
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