One must understand how DNS works in order to properly manage and redirect a domain. A domain must be registered. A domain must be purchased and stay away from certain providers. Keep your domain on servers with the hosting company especially if you have multiple domains. Certain domains will need redirecting to other domains. An add-on domain can also be created. A domain can also be parked. Email clients also use domains. Domains can be tracked to help manage traffic
Key Takeaways:
Domain registration can be a major issue for businesses, but it's a vital part of establishing a web presence.
WordPress contains a full set of DNS capabilities which, when used properly, are extremely powerful.
For example, users can create add-on domains to expand their presence, and can track domains using built-in tools.
“Understanding the basics of DNS management for your WordPress site will help things go more smoothly when you create a new site, move it to a new hosting provider, or buy additional domain names.”
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