WordPress 4.9.2 Security And Maintenance Release

New Privacy Features and Updated Policies

WordPress will be pushing out new privacy features and policies. Please take a look at them now, as, after this date, your use of our sites will be an acknowledgment of your agreement to the new terms. These improvements will allow users to have better management and control of PII, as well as awareness of what content is maintained and why. These changes also convey to Automattic's products like WooCommerce and Jetpack. They are rolling up privacy policies from other products as well, like Polldaddy, to prevent fragmentation, to have only one simple to understand policy for all of WordPress. Users will see new opt-out options for uses of data in some settings. Paid users will comply with additional contracts to keep your data save, based on privacy laws. Processes are being developed to allow for account closures. Look for updated cookies policy and new ways for customers to request access to their personal data. These features should allow users to meet new site requirements, such as Europe’s new GDPR, as well.

Key Takeaways:

WordPress is updating their privacy features to give users of the popular software more control over their personal intel.

Users will also get more specific data regarding what info the site keeps on hand and what specifically is done with it.

There will opt-outs for users to take advantage of, ensuring that certain types of data gathered can not then be disseminated in certain ways, contrary to the user's preference.

“Additional contracts (Data Processing Agreements) for paid users who require them to comply with data protection and privacy laws. If you need a Data Processing Agreement, let us know by contacting support for your product.”

Read more: https://en.blog.wordpress.com/2018/05/14/new-privacy-features-and-updated-policies/

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