There's not much else to say other than the fact that our experts love High Level. We have an account, and in our account, we have sub accounts for our clients who choose to use High Level. In this function, our clients can decide whether they want us to manage their account or if they want us to manage their account. No matter which route a client chooses, the features are all the same. The most used features on our account are the automated email and funnel campaigns. These features are super easy to use and result-driven.
Here are more ways we use High Level:
We use the calendar feature for scheduling capability. High Level gives you the ability to block out slots on your calendar, and the best part is – once somebody signs up for an appointment a customized automated message goes out from your account to the person who just scheduled the appointment.
We have our website connected to High Level so we can build pages through the platform.
Database reactivation, custom campaign offers, nurture campaigns, rinse/repeat, create forms/surveys, advanced targeting, prospecting, sales, management, etc.
We use the analytics on the dashboard to show us what was opened, and if we gain or lost any contacts.
We bring data in from numerous platforms like Facebook and Google. We can even build our client's contact list using the funnel and Facebook Ads/Lead Forms.
We use SMS text (both ways) or email directly to contacts through High Level for campaigns. We promote offers through text and have individual conversations without using our actual cell phone numbers. We have seen a larger increase in results through text than email.
We have multiple users and we assign tasks to different users.
We build our client's contact list by creating funnel campaigns, using Facebook Ads/Lead Forms that integrate into High Level, email communications, tracking campaign performance, building out forms for the campaigns, and tracking their contact list and the actions of the contacts.
We set up triggers that allow us to see how the contact utilized the email or funnel page so if they didn't follow through – we can send a specific email that prompts them to pick up where they left off.