wordpress plugins

New WordPress Feature Plugin Adds Support for Progressive Web Apps

A new plug-in for progressive word apps is now available. If you aren't familiar with progressive word apps, they are applications used on your mobile web browser to make the experience more like using your faster computer browsers. The upside to progressive word applications is that they are reliable, fast, and engaging. Improvements will continue being made on this plug-in and one that you should look forward to is the integrations of workbox. This will provide declarative WordPress abstractions. It will assist with managing and catching strategies for routes that will enable you to support detecting conflicts.

Key Takeaways:

Progressive apps that increased performance are tracked with case studies.

Pinterest rebuilt their site as a PWA and engagements increased by 60%.

Site owners will be able to offer better experiences for mobile users with these advances.

“PWA support in WordPress will enable the plugin and theme ecosystems to work together in providing site owners with more engaging ways to connect with their visitors.”

Read more: https://wptavern.com/new-wordpress-feature-plugin-adds-support-for-progressive-web-apps

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