Google implementing Mobile-First Indexing

Google begins mobile-first indexing of websites

Google is beginning to implement mobile-first indexing. This methodology is being implemented to insure that mobile users have access to the same information that non-mobile users would have when accessing a website. As users are increasingly accessing websites through mobile devices, google has deemed this to be an important effort in improving the user experience. Google is not setting any heard deadlines as they roll out this new mechanism though. Google wants to roll this out as smooth as possible to ensure that the user experience is not disrupted.

Key Takeaways:

Google is testing the usefulness of indexing mobile-ready websites.

Mobile indexing is being implemented.

No timeline was provided for mobile-first indexing of websites.

“The transition is necessary for Google to provide the best user experience for mobile users, which is becoming more crucial as search options grow across voice, image recognition and other platforms, threatening Google's dominant role in search.”

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