website fixes

Make These 5 Website Fixes to Improve SEO

There are 5 fixes for Search Engine Optimization(SEO). By addressing site speed, image size, 404 errors, internal linking, and mobile sites, website design is related to SEO performance. Low site speeds negatively affect page rank, and GTmetrix and Google's PageSpeed Insights are recommended. Image size can slow down sites, and reductions in image size will increase page speed. 404 errors provide a poor experience to visitors and can be checked for with Google Search Console. Internal links should take visitors from your main page to the important pages of your site. Mobile-friendly sites are a modern necessity and needed to rank in mobile searches.

Key Takeaways:

Website design and development is key to a site's SEO success.

It's important to have a fast site speed to keep your SEO high.

Links and redirects on a site should all work properly.

“A site that loads slowly isn’t going to provide visitors with a good user experience.”

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