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8 Powerful Google Analytics Tips to Increase Your Conversion Rate

There are 8 very powerful Google analytics to increase your conversion rate. It is very easy to dream of huge conversion rates. But, they have been rather hard to achieve lately. Although they are hard, they are not impossible. There are so many different tips and tricks out there on how to increase your conversion rates by over 500 percent in one day. One of the tips you will want to do is monitor your bounce rate.

Key Takeaways:

Google Analytics is the best tool to measure and increase your website's conversion rates.

Use the bounce rate measurement on Google Analytics to see how you can improve the time users spend on your website by correcting any errors on your pages.

Know your audience by using Google Analytics to examine your demographic and website user behavior to improve the overall performance and increase your conversion rates.

“A study made by Compass informs us that the average conversion rate for online stores is only 1.4%, while the best performers have a rate of 3%.”

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