Google is going to be pulling the plug on their networking site, Google+, after user information was exposed. The data breach did not technically expose any sensitive personal information, but only information from fields that were optional to fill out when creating an account such as name and email address, but not users phone numbers or private messages. Stats show Google+ has been mostly unused in recent years. Even Google+'s own management team is rarely seen posting on there! The shutting down of Google+ likely isn't a terrible loss to anybody, and it will mostly affect business owners. If you have anything on your account you want to retrieve, you can do so until August of next year, but after that, all user data will be lost.
Key Takeaways:
Google's recent decision to not immediately disclose a data breach seemed to contravene laws in Europe and California which make it illegal for a company not to disclose a security leak.
Google took a different stance, noting that the decision was not illegal when viewed through the lens of the company's “Privacy and Data Protection Office.”
Google reported on an online blog post that no one actually obtained access to the user information.
“The problem is even more serious if we recall the similar situation that happened earlier this year.”
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